在VDI市场上的竞争来看,主流的只有两家Citrix XenDesktop和VMware View。而一直以来,XenDesktop的用户体验要大大优于View,但是随着View版本的不断升级,View所使用的PCoIP协议性能也在提升。于是,关于两家在VDI上的体验,谁更优的讨论,也开始变得激烈,更有人仅仅为了结果而制作了视频。
最开始Gartner分析公司,项目研究副总裁Chris Wolf说,Citrix HDX远程桌面协议(ICA)在200ms的公网场景要优于high-latency。
对此VMware的 Scott Davis, CTO of the End User Computing business unit ,回应了此事:
…VMware View 4.5 with and PCoIP are configured out of the box to provide the richest LAN experience. There are several important parameters that can be adjusted to optimally tune the protocol for WAN conditions and specific usage scenarios. For WAN conditions it can be very helpful to adjust the display frame rate, image quality and min/max bandwidth settings. As an example, the default frame rate with PCoIP is 30. This can be safely cut down to 12 frames per second for WAN usage resulting in less bandwidth consumption and a better experience in many such circumstances…
…Similarly, there are settings for bandwidth; maximum bandwidth can be used to constrain peak consumption to avoid starvation of other users, while minimum bandwidth can be used to avoid poor desktop performance due to congestion…
…One other thing, the VPN Chris used was a Vyatta open source L2TP/IPsec VPN. There are numerous ways to configure such VPN’s, however PCoIP utilizes UDP for the graphics packets and optimizes parallelism and retransmits at the higher layers of the protocol. Hence we recommend using a VPN technology that support UDP packets natively, not to tunnel the UDP traffic over TCP/IP as doing so will typically cause responsiveness issues