XenApp 6与Windows Server 2008 R2推荐安装的更新

以下内容基于Citrix Technicial Support的经验,由Citrix官方建议应该安装的Citrix XenApp 6的一些hotfix以及Windows Server 2008 R2需要安装的一些更新,这些补丁和更新解决了XenApp 6在windows 2008 R2上使用的一些常见问题,比如windows 2008 R2 SP1上使用的一些问题等等,所以推荐安装。

但是仍然希望Citrix能够出Rollup Pack解决逐个安装的效率问题,逐个安装时间实在是有点长,而且麻烦。


Recommended Citrix Hotfixes


  • Installing hotfixes or performing a Repair on the base product for Citrix XenApp 6 for Windows Server 2008 R2 can inadvertently remove the Citrix Licensing component from the system, if present. This fix prevents the Citrix Licensing component from being removed when installing subsequent hotfixes.


  • This enhancement is a part of the XenApp Printing Optimization Pack. The Printing Optimization Pack improves the user experience and printing speed by reducing the printer bandwidth required. For more information, including system requirements, required components, and known issues, see XenApp Printing Optimization Pack in eDocs, the Citrix Product Documentation Library.


  • This fix addresses security vulnerability. For more information, see CTX123359.


  • This fix addresses session reliability issues that can occur when using multiple, disparate, client devices to reconnect to the same session.


  • Servers running XenApp 6 can become unresponsive when shutting down. The issue occurs when the picadm.sys driver encounters certain error conditions that prevent it from shutting down in an orderly fashion. Also, servers might experience a fatal exception, displaying a blue screen on picadm.sys with bugcheck code 0x22 (FILE_SYSTEM).
  • If a session is disconnected while it is still reading or writing a Client Drive Mapping (CDM) file, the resulting deadlock condition can prevent servers from accepting new session requests.


  • This fix addresses a security vulnerability. For more information, see CTX128169


  • Attempts to log on to a XenApp 6 server using Version 7 or earlier of the clients can cause svchost.exe to exit unexpectedly. As a result, further connection attempts to the server fail until it is restarted.
  • The CPU consumption of the CitrixCseEngine.exe process can spike unexpectedly and cause logon delays.
  • Attempts to launch a published application that resides on a mapped network drive rather than on a XenApp server failure
  • When connecting to a server running Windows Server 2008 R2 with Service Pack 1, Terminal Services can exit unexpectedly. This causes users to experience a black screen when logging on and the logon process fails to complete.


  • Servers might experience a fatal exception, displaying a blue screen, with bugcheck code 0xf4 on IMAAdvanceSrv.exe.
  • Servers attempt to launch Windows Internet Explorer from an http, https, or mms hyperlink embedded in a streamed application failure. The issue occurs because XenApp 6 does not create the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\htmlfile\shell\opennew\command_backup registry key as part of the server file type association.


  • Certain applications fail to launch when Administrator Approval Mode is enabled in User Account Control.
  • This fix addresses the following issues for sessions launched as streamed to server or by a script: 1) The application name can be missing from the session information of the Delivery Services Console Session and not appear under the Applications folder of the Delivery Services Console. 2) Application limits might be ignored. 3) Attempts to reconnect to disconnected sessions might fail.


  • Servers might experience a fatal exception, displaying a blue screen while shadowing is started.

For XenApp 6 Fundamentals Edition


  • When a server running Access Fundamentals/XenApp 6 Fundamentals Edition is in a workgroup, the Citrix license cannot be retrieved and application launch fails, resulting in the following error message: “License Acquisition failed…”

Other Citrix Hotfixes


  • This hotfix contains an updated version of the XenApp Server Configuration Tool, which is used to configure XenApp 6 for Windows Server 2008 R2 server role installations. The XenApp image can be prepared for imaging and provisioning before, during, or after configuring XenApp.


  • This enhancement is a part of the XenApp Printing Optimization Pack. The Printing Optimization Pack improves the user experience and printing speed by reducing the printer bandwidth required. For more information, including system requirements and required components, see XenApp Printing Optimization Pack in eDocs, the Citrix Product Documentation Library.

Recommended Microsoft Hotfixes

For a list of all Microsoft Hotfixes included in Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, refer to: Documentation for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 (KB976932) and click the download link for “WS08R2 SP1.xls”.


  • A Windows Server 2008 R2-based Remote Desktop server denies some connection requests randomly under heavy logon or logoff conditions.


  • There is a delay when you shut down, restart, or log off on a Windows Server 2008 R2.


  • If a heavy load situation exists or if connectivity issues exist, there is a stop error message in Windows 7 and in Windows Server 2008 R2 as follows:
    “STOP: 0x000000B8”


  • A computer that is running Windows Server 2008 R2 stops responding randomly.


  • An application or service that uses Winsock API or Winsock Kernel API might randomly stop responding in Windows Server 2008 R2 (Not included in SP1).


  • Installing a 32-bit help System 2008R2 might be required if hosting 32-bit applications (Not included in SP1).


  • Remote desktop sessions do not exit completely and you cannot establish new remote desktop sessions to a computer that is running Windows Server 2008 R2.


  • Startup takes a long time on a Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2-based computer that has an Intel Nehalem-EX CPU installed.


  • A computer that is running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 intermittently cannot use a shared network printer to print.